I’m not sure if there’s a band that I can claim as my favorite of all time, because the reality is I have a different favorite every day. This process of choosing one favorite over all others seems futile. But, for me, The Cure, is about as close as it gets. For me, their music is irreplaceable. There are things that I feel when I put on a Cure record that I can’t experience with anything else. For the month of June, I hope to share some of this as a I cover a different Cure song each day – counting down from #30 to #1. And, in this case, I have no qualms stating my #1. #30DaysofTheCure

U.S. original release: Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me (198 7) - Track 10

Ranking: 25

This is my first entry from the double album Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me — a record that recently celebrated its 35th anniversary. Hard to believe it’s been that long – and it’s quite impressive how well it holds up. The album contains one of The Cure’s greatest mainstream breakthroughs: “Just Like Heaven”. The album, in general, is full of delicious pop melodies, but delivered The Cure way – with scorching guitar riffs and Smith’s torturous tenor vocals. The second disc leans in hard with a couple of heavy hitters – “All I Want” is flanked by “Just Like Heaven” and “Hot Hot Hot!!!”.

Smith and Porl’s guitar work on the album is distinctive and a bit of a departure from previous records. The guitar riffs felt sharper, more metallic. They seemed like they could cut your heart open on a moment’s notice. “All I Want” is one of the prime examples of this type of guitar playing. The opening riff has a Middle Eastern aura to it as it descends note by note, scorching our ears in the process. Tolhurst’s single-note flourishes are perfectly placed and make the crushing, emotional weight of “All I Want” just bearable enough. What a glorious moment in the history of The Cure.

“Tonight I'm feeling like an animal. Tonight I'm howling inside.”