For the next 30 days, I’ll be taking the #AprilAcrossAmerica challenge, picking one song a day as I make my way across the country and across genres at the same time.

Day 17: Jackson, MS

Johnny Cash had a way of taking other people’s songs and elevating them to the point where his version was stronger and more profound. He’s done this over and over again. In the 21st century, you don’t have to look any further than his cover of Depeche Mode’s “Personal Jesus” and Nine Inch Nails’ “Hurt”. But Cash was creating unforgettable covers since the 60’s from the At Folsom Prison album and others. “Jackson” is probably one of his more well known examples. But Cash was just half the equation.

All due respect to the man in black, but June Carter pretty much stole the show on this one with her raspy, fiery vocal parts. Together, Johnny and June were a force to be reckoned with. They were in and out of Jackson like a freight train coming in full steam. It was enough to instill a sense of hope and joy to the jailbirds on the song’s live recording at Folsom Prison. The rousing applause and cheering heard on the recording is all the proof you need.

“I'm goin' to Jackson. You turn-a loosen my coat 'Cause I'm goin' to Jackson. Goodbye, that's all she wrote.”