A great title track is par for the course when it comes to great albums. If the title track doesn’t cut it, what does that say about the album itself? This month, the Mental Jukebox will be playing some of my favorite title tracks – inspired by @NicolaB_73’s music Twitter challenge, #TopTitleTracks.

Some bands have that ability to transport us back to another era. With the Fleet Foxes, I feel like I’m in Woodstock, laying on the lawn and getting lost in the fantastic harmonies of CSNY. This is not a slight to the band that they make me think of another band. The songwriting, melodies and vocals are all still entirely Fleet Foxes. Just listen to “Helplessness Blues” to hear all the proof you need.

The album, as a whole, is considered to be one of the finest folk records of the 21st century. It has appeared on many “best of 2011” lists and has even earned a Grammy nomination. While I don’t pay much attention to these types of accolades, I think it’s relevant here because of the type of music we’re talking about. Helplessness Blues helped bring this brand of folk music back to the forefront.

“I don't need to be kind to the armies of night that would do such injustice to you.”