For October, the Mental Jukebox is dialing it way back to the eighties and going deep. Deep cuts have always been an important element of music listening to me because they’re often the songs that resonate with me most. Deep cuts are usually the ones that the true fans appreciate most. I like my singles and hits, but I love my deep cuts.

Sometimes I think about how much I owe to music artists who unknowingly have become such a huge part of me. My life’s soundtrack. I think about how this movie I’m living would not be the same without the music tracks to support it. Then I think about the music artists who not only exhibited greatness in their own right, they helped pave the way for other great artists that followed after them. These are my thoughts when I listen to Kate Bush’s “Hello Earth”.

Kate always had such a unique perspective. A unique way of looking at things that are right in front of us. “Hello Earth” is one of many examples of this. A beautiful, sweeping deep cut on an album full of Kate’s biggest “hits”, it’s possibly the one track that best exhibits and typifies her ability to let the beauty shine through the ugliness. “Hello Earth” has even greater implications when you hear it back today and realize that this was the sound and aesthetic that Tori Amos and others built off in their own amazing trajectory as music artists. I’m in awe as I listen to it today nearly 40 years later. 40 friggin years.

“With just one hand held up high, I can blot you out Out of sight.”